Clean Sheets for Clean Sheets

Clean Sheet for Clean Sheets

Have you made your pledge for our “Clean Sheets for Clean Sheets” program? For each clean sheet (zero goals against) the Revs keep during the 2019 season, the Midnight Riders will donate a portion of our Amazon Smile proceeds to the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless’ A Bed For Every Child initiative.

Pledge a per-game amount today ($5, $10, $25, etc) and we’ll send you a reminder at the end of the season to let you know how much your commitment is and how to contribute. And, if your workplace matches charitable giving, this is a perfect opportunity to get them involved.

Sign up here.

Brewery Watch Party!

We are very to excited to announce that our our friends at Rising Tide will be hosting us for a Revs watch party during Memorial Day weekend! The Revs kick off against the Whitecaps at 5:30pm on Saturday, May 26th. For beer lovers who arrive early, there will be brewery tours at 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm. The match will be projected onto the wide screen in the East Room.

If there’s a better combination than beer and soccer, we are not aware of it.

Facebook Event