Think you can bring the heat at the tailgate? Well now is your time to prove it. The Midnight Riders are proud to announce their first annual Chili Cookoff during the tailgate before the April 12 match before Houston Dynamo!
Participation Guidelines:
You must be a member of the Midnight Riders in good standing to be eligible for the competition.
To participate, you must sign up in advance via the form here. A limited number of walk-up entries may be accepted, but are first-come, first-served. There is no entry fee. Limited to 1 entry per contestant.
“Chili” is defined as any kind spicy stew containing chili peppers, meat, a combination of meats, meat substitute, vegetables and/or beans.
Contestants are asked to provide a name for chili to be printed on the ballot and to indicate any possible allergens and/or dietary considerations.
Contestants are responsible for providing:
- A vessel of chili large enough to serve a crowd
- A surface, such as a table, from which to serve chili
- A serving utensil
- A method of maintaining proper temperature for serving chili
- A sign with the name of the chili to display at tailgate
The Midnight Riders will provide:
- A balloon for each contestant to display from his/her car signifying participation in the contest.
- Paper cups for each contestant to serve his/her chili in
- Ballots and spoons for each taster/judge
Contestants are asked to arrive and park in the supporters lot no later than 2:45 to check in at the Midnight Riders table and retrieve contest materials. Each contestant will set up his/her own tailgate.
Judging categories will be:
- Best Meat Chili
- Best Vegetarian Chili
- Most Original Chili
- Spiciest Chili
Tasting will be open to all, and we encourage everyone to come to the tailgate and help us determine the best chili chefs in the Midnight Riders. Join the facebook event here.